As a builder, you play a pivotal role in shaping homes and apartment complexes that meet today’s high standards for comfort, sustainability and energy efficiency. With energy costs at the top of mind for many home buyers and renters, incorporating energy-efficient solutions into home construction is an expectation. Partnering with Owen Electric can put money back into your pocket, increasing your bottom line and yielding a more comfortable, energy-efficient home for the tenants.
Greg Bridges, of Heron Creek LLC., took advantage of Owen Electric’s Touchstone Energy Home rebate program, which yielded him a $9,750 check for his newly-constructed apartment homes.
“I met with Jude Canchola, the residential services manager, and he went over the details of the program with me. I got him the specs and information he needed from the project, he looked at the blueprints, confirmed the rating of the insulation, and gave me some parameters—which were things we were doing already—and we went from there,” Bridges said. “The whole process was very simple, and Jude was great—he was always in touch and communicating with me about each step, including the testing and inspections necessary throughout the building process.”
Building to Touchstone Energy Home standards has the potential to yield a 30 percent annual reduction in energy costs. Owen Electric offers a rebate of up to $750 for a new home that meets Touchstone Energy Home requirements. If you’re a builder by trade or looking to build a home of your own, contact Owen Electric prior to starting your construction project, as periodic inspections by cooperative representatives are required to verify compliance to standards in order to qualify for the rebate program.
Will Bridges take advantage of the Touchstone Energy Home program in the future?
“Absolutely, one hundred percent. I would recommend this program to absolutely anyone,” Bridges said. “It’s an easy process, and the tenant gets a very comfortable, cost-efficient unit.”