Our Beginnings

Owen Electric Cooperative, Inc. began its mission in providing electric service to the rural residents of Owen County in 1937. Known then as “Owen County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation (RECC),” its first annual meeting—held June 17, 1937—was attended by five men who, at the time, not only served as Owen Electric’s first Board of Directors, but happened to be its only members, and 52 others interested in electric service.

It was at this meeting, however, that the first bylaws were adopted and a contract with the Rural Electric Association (REA) was signed in the amount of $130,000 for the construction of 130 miles of line to serve approximately 500 applicants in Owen County.

On January 29, 1938, the first of Owen County RECC’s lines were energized during a celebration attended by Governor A.B. ‘Happy’ Chandler. By April 1938, the Board of Directors had voted to include Grant and Gallatin counties in the cooperative’s service area. By June 1938, the Board had voted to extend service into Pendleton County.

By the end of 1939, Owen County RECC members had voted to include Boone, Kenton, Campbell, Carroll and Scott counties in the service area. By 1942, Owen County RECC had 2,440 members.

The end of World War II saw men returning home having served their country and eager to have electricity light up their homes. By the end of 1949, Owen County RECC held a membership of nearly 6,500 throughout its service territory.

Having operated from rented office space for the first few years of the Co-op’s existence, 1951 brought a new office to 510 Main Street in Owenton, a location that would serve as Owen County RECC/Owen Electric Cooperative’s headquarters for the next 52 years.

In the same manner that it brought electricity to its local countryside, Owen Electric continues to be a pioneer in Kentucky, being the first electric utility in the state to promote and sell green power under the label ‘Envirowatts’ in 2001.

Since its inception, Envirowatts has grown to become a significant portion of East Kentucky Power’s renewable energy production. Five landfill gas power plants in Kentucky now generate 15 megawatts of electricity—enough to power about 9,000 homes.

In 2003, with well over 50,000 members throughout its nine-county area, Owen Electric Cooperative moved to a new facility located approximately eight miles north of Owenton on Highway 127. The corporate headquarters and service center was combined and the building was designed with the hopes of meeting the needs of the Co-op’s members for at least the next 50 years.

The year 2006 brought along one of the most technologically innovative changes Owen Electric had undergone, as it began the transition to Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI). This process included changing from the traditional hand-read mechanical meters to new electronic meters, capable of being read remotely from the Owen Electric headquarters. This eventually eliminated the need for meter readers to travel to each meter to gather readings monthly, saving time and costs for labor and fuel.

More advanced metering and co-op technology has paved the way for more innovative energy conservation programs, including Simple Saver, a direct load control program launched in 2011. GPS mapping has also been incorporated for a more comprehensive mapping of Owen Electric’s system.

No stranger to innovation, Owen Electric also received a federal grant in 2011 from the Department of Energy, to launch an array of ‘Smart Home’ and ‘Smart Grid’ projects. These pilot projects have been instrumental in gathering member and energy data that will be key in developing Owen Electric’s member energy efficiency programs and incentives, as well as shape the co-op’s endeavors to increase power quality and reliability, and increase overall member satisfaction.

PrePay Service, or prepaid metering, allows members to pay in advance of their energy use. The program can be helpful to members for budgeting purposes and being more aware of their energy use. Members participating in PrePay Service receive low balance notifications via text message and can reload their accounts from home as they like.

As of 2024, Owen Electric serves more than 65,000 meters on approximately 4600 miles of line.


Mission and Vision

Electric Cooperatives are:

• Private independent electric utility businesses.
• Incorporated under the laws of the states in which they operate.
• Owned by the consumers they serve.
• Governed by a board of directors elected from the membership which
   sets policies and procedures that are implemented by the cooperatives'
   professional staff. 

Owen Electric's Power Supplier

The Cooperative's wholesale power is provided by East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC), which is owned by Owen Electric and 15 other member cooperatives. Together, they serve 1.1 million people in 87 Kentucky counties.

EKPC generates electricity through two coal-fired plants: H.L. Spurlock Station, near Maysville, and John Sherman Cooper Station, near Somerset. Power using combustion turbines, fueled by natural gas or fuel oil, is produced at Bluegrass Station, in LaGrange, and at J.K. Smith Station in Trapp, near Winchester.

Cooperative Solar Farm One, one of the largest solar projects in Kentucky, features 32,300 solar panels and sits on 60 acres outside of Winchester. These solar panels produce enough energy to power 1,000 Kentucky homes.

EKPC has six more plants generating renewable power from methane gas at landfills, and purchases hydropower produced through Laurel and Wolf Creek dams.

To deliver power to its owner-member cooperatives, EKPC owns and maintains thousands of miles of transmission lines. EKPC also belongs to PJM, the world's largest power grid. PJM helps EKPC, and subsequently owner-member cooperatives, maintain lower power costs while also helping to ensure the highest reliable service to end-use electric cooperative members.

National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association
Kentucky Electric Cooperatives
Electric Power Research Institute
East Kentucky Power Cooperative
Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
Northern Kentucky Tri-Ed
Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development

National Representation
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) represents the national interests of cooperative electric utilities. NRECA provides legislative, legal and regulatory services; and programs in insurance, management and employee education, training, consulting, public relations and advertising. NRECA and its member cooperatives also support energy and environmental research and administer a program of technical advice and assistance in developing countries around the world.

State Representation
Kentucky Electric Cooperatives (KEC) represents Owen Electric and 26 other Kentucky electric cooperatives on a state level. By representing 1.5 million rural electric consumers, KAEC can provide legislative representation for electric cooperatives. KAEC also aids cooperatives in safety and loss prevention programs, communications and public relations services, assistance with annual membership meetings, youth programs, technical assistance, and legal services. KAEC also publishes the Kentucky Living Magazine.

Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives 
Touchstone Energy Cooperatives represent more than 750 energy cooperatives serving more that 32 million households and businesses, delivering power and energy solutions in 46 states. Touchstone Energy Cooperatives are:

  • Local, active members of their communities committed to serving commercial, industrial and residential customers with integrity, accountability, innovation and community involvement.
  • Represent electric cooperatives' unique characteristics in a changing marketplace where these values and differences matter more and more each day.
  • A nationwide network that brings added value to and benefit for all consumers while emphasizing the significance of each electric cooperative's local presence and ties to the community.

Cooperatives adhere to seven cooperative principles:

Voluntary and Open Membership

Cooperatives are voluntary organizations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination.

Democratic Member Control

Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. The elected representatives are accountable to the membership. In primary cooperatives, members have equal voting rights (one member, one vote) and cooperatives at other levels are organized in a democratic manner.

Members’ Economic Participation

Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital of their cooperative. At least part of that capital is usually the common property of the cooperative. Members usually receive limited compensation, if any, on capital subscribed as a condition of membership. Members allocate surpluses for any or all of the following purposes: developing the cooperative, possibly by setting up reserves, part of which at least would be indivisible; benefiting members in proportion to their transactions with the cooperative; and supporting other activities approved by the membership.

Autonomy and Independence

Cooperatives are autonomous, self-help organizations controlled by their members. If they enter into agreements with other organizations, including governments, or raise capital from external sources, they do so on terms that ensure democratic control by their members and maintain their cooperative autonomy.

Education, Training, and Information

Cooperatives provide education and training for their members, elected representatives, managers and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their cooperatives. They inform the general public, particularly young people and opinion leaders, about the nature and benefits of cooperation.

Cooperation Among Cooperatives

Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures.

Concern for Community

While focusing on member needs, cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies accepted by their members.

Owen Electric Cooperative's 5 Core Values:

We, the Employees, Board of Directors and Management of Owen Electric Cooperative have identified the following core values as being the central focus in providing quality service to our Membership:

    We will incorporate the highest ethical standards in all interactions with our teammates, members and community. In doing so, we will dedicate ourselves to honesty, trustworthiness, good character and the highest personal and professional conduct.

    We will ensure the best utilization of employees, technology, facilities and financial resources to provide high-quality, professional service.

    We will embrace dynamic and innovative approaches in providing quality service through new technologies and continual process improvement.

    We will focus our actions and attitudes on the best interests of our members and community. 

    We will foster individual and organizational success through training, empowerment, open and timely communications, teamwork and a safe working environment. We recognize the value of each teammate's contribution to the success of the organization and believe in sharing the financial rewards that result from individual and team efforts.