Whether your business is a small commercial facility or a large steel company, Owen Electric Cooperative provides competitive rates and contracts for all ranges of commercial and industrial customers. Special contract rates and other tariffs can be discussed by contacting the Cooperative. The following is a listing and a general description of the filed tariffs Owen Electric offers.

Small Commercial Tariff

Small Commercial - For commercial members whose service requirement does not exceed 50 KW in demand. This tariff is for single and three phase applications and for all uses.

Applicable - to the entire territory served

Available - to all commercial, industrial, and three-phase farm service under 50 KW for all uses, including lighting, heating and power.

Types of Service - Single-phase and three-phase, 60 cycle at available secondary voltage.

Customer Charge: $25.84          All kWh: $0.09674

Minimum Charge - Under the above rate shall be $.75 per KVA of installed transformer capacity. Where it is necessary to extend or reinforce existing distribution facilities, the minimum monthly charge may be increased to assure adequate compensation for the added facilities.

Terms of Payment - The above rate is net, the gross being five percent (5%) higher. In the event the current monthly bill is not paid within fifteen (15) days from the date bill was rendered, the gross charge shall apply.

(The monthly kilowatt hour usage shall be subject to plus or minus and adjustment per KWH determined in accordance with the 'Fuel Adjustment Clause.')

Large Commercial Tariff

Large Power - For commercial members whose service requirement exceeds 50 kW in demand. This tariff is for single and three phase applications and for all uses.

Applicable - to entire territory

Available - to all commercial, industrial and farm consumers whose kilowatt demand shall exceed 50 KW for lighting and/or heating and/or power.

Character of Service - the electric service furnished under this schedule will be three-phase, 60 cycle, alternating current at available nominal voltage.



All kW Demand $6.34 per kW of Billing Demand
Customer Charge $22.03 per month
All KWH $0.07466 per kWh

Determination of Billing Demand - the billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the consumer for any period of fifteen consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter and adjusted for power factor as provided below.

Power Factor Adjustment - the consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. Power factor may be measured at any time. Should such measurements indicate that the power factor at the time of maximum demand is less than 90%, the demand for billing purposes shall be the demand as indicated or recorded by the demand meter, multiplied by 90%, and divided by the percent power factor.

Minimum Charge - Shall be the highest one of the following charges:

1. The minimum monthly charge as specified in the contract for services.

2. A charge of $.75 per KVA per month of contract capacity.

Special Provisions: Delivery Point - If service is to be furnished at secondary voltage, the delivery point shall be the metering point unless otherwise specified in contract for service. All wiring, pole lines and other electric equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer. If service is furnished at sellers' primary line voltage, the delivery point shall be the point of attachment of sellers' primary line to consumer's transformer structure unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, pole lines, and other electric equipment (except metering equipment) on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

Primary Service Discount - If service is furnished at primary distribution voltage, a discount of five percent (5%) shall apply to the demand and energy charges. The seller shall have the option of metering at secondary voltage.

Terms of Payment - The above rates are net, the gross being five percent (5%) higher. In the event the current monthly bill is not paid within fifteen (15) days from the date the bill was rendered, the gross charge shall apply.

(The monthly kilowatt hour usage shall be subject to plus or minus and adjustment per kWh determined in accordance with the "Fuel Adjustment Clause".)

This tariff is subject to the Energy Emergency Control Program as filed with the Kentucky Energy Regulatory Commission (now the Public Service Commission) on February 23, 1981, in Administrative Case No. 240, and as approved by the Commission Order of March 31, 1981.

Industrial Tariffs

For commercial members whose service requirements exceed 1000 KW up to 2,499 KW. The tariff is for three phase applications and is a ratchet rate.

Applicable - to all territory served by the Seller.

Available - to all commercial which are or shall be members of Owen Electric Cooperative where the monthly contract demand is 1,000 KW - 2,499 KW with a monthly energy usage equal to or greater than 425 hours per KW of contract demand.



Demand Charge

$7.49 Per KW of Demand of Contract Demand

Customer Charge $1,573.12 Per Month
KWH Charge $0.05866 Per kWh for all kWh equal to
425 hours per kW of billing demands


$0.05489 Per kWh for all kWh in excess of
425 hours per kW of billing demands

Billing Demand - The monthly billing demand shall be the greater of (a) or (b)

(a) The Contract demand

(b) The ultimate consumer's highest demand during the current month or preceding eleven months. The peak demand is the highest average rate at which energy is used during any fifteen-minute interval in the hours listed for each month (and adjusted for power factor as provided herein):


Hours Applicable for Demand Billing - EST

October through April 7:00 AM - 12:00 Noon; 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
May through September 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM


Minimum Month Charge - The minimum monthly charge shall not be less than the sum of (a), (b), and (c) below:

(a) The product of the billing demand multiplied by the demand charge, plus (b) The product of the billing demand multiplied by 425 hours and the energy charge per kWh, plus (c) The customer charge.

Power Factor Adjustment - The consumer agrees to maintain a unity power factor as nearly as practicable at each delivery point at the time of the monthly maximum demand. When the power factor is determined to be less than 90%, the monthly maximum demand at the delivery point will be adjusted by multiplying the actual monthly maximum demand by the 90% and dividing this product by the actual power factor at the time of the monthly maximum demand.

Fuel Adjustment Clause - The monthly kilowatt-hour usage shall be subject to plus or minus an adjustment per kWh determined in accordance with the "Fuel Adjustment Clause".

Special Provisions

1. Delivery point - If service is furnished at secondary voltage, the delivery point shall be the metering point unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines, and other electrical equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

2. If service is furnished at the Seller's primary line voltage, the delivery point shall be the point of attachment of Seller's primary line to the consumer's transformer structure unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, pole lines, and other electrical equipment (except metering equipment) on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

Terms of Payment - The above rates are net, the gross being five percent (5%) higher. In the event the current monthly bill is not paid within fifteen (15) days from the date the bill was rendered, the prompt payment discount will be forfeited and the gross amount shall apply.

The tariff is subject to the Energy Emergency Control Program as filed with the Kentucky Energy Regulatory Commission (now the Public Service Commission) on February 23, 1981, in Administrative Case No. 240, and as approved by the Commission's Order of March 31, 1981.

For commercial members whose service requirements exceed 5000 KW. The tariff is for three phase applications and is a ratchet rate.

Applicable - to the entire territory served.

Available - to all commercial which are or shall be members of the Owen Electric Cooperative where the monthly contract demand is 5,000 kW or over, with a monthly energy usage equal to or greater than 425 hours per kW of billing demand.


Demand Charge

$7.47 Per kW of Billing Demand

Customer Charge $3,136.91 Per Month
KWH Charge $0.05339 Per kWh for all kWh equal to
425 hours per kW of billing demands


$0.05249 Per kWh for all kWh in excess of
425 hours per kW of billing demands

Billing Demand - The monthly billing demand shall be the greater of (a) or (b)

(a) The Contract demand

(b) The ultimate consumer's highest demand during the current month or preceding eleven months. The peak demand is the highest average rate at which energy is used during any fifteen-minute interval in the below-listed hours for each month (and adjusted for power factor as provided herein):


Hours Applicable for Demand Billing - EST

October through April 7:00 AM - 12:00 Noon; 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
May through September 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Minimum Monthly Charge - The minimum monthly charge shall not be less than the sum of (a), (b), and (c) below:

(a) The product of the billing demand multiplied by the demand charge, plus (b) The product of the billing demand multiplied by 425 hours and the energy charge per kWh, plus (c) The customer charge.

Power Factor Adjustment - The consumer agrees to maintain a unity power factor as nearly as practicable at each delivery point at the time of the monthly maximum demand. When the power factor is determined to be less than 90%, the monthly maximum demand at the delivery point will be adjusted by multiplying the actual monthly maximum demand by 90% and dividing this product by the actual power factor at the time of the monthly maximum demand.

Fuel Adjustment Clause - The monthly kilowatt hour usage shall be subject to plus or minus an adjustment per kWh determined in accordance with the "Fuel Adjustment Clause".

Special Provisions

1. Delivery Point - If service is furnished at secondary voltage, the delivery point shall be the metering point, unless otherwise specified in the contract for service.

All wiring, pole lines, and other electric equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

2. If service is furnished at Seller's primary line voltage, the delivery point shall be the point of attachment of Seller's primary line to consumer's transformer structure unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, pole lines and other electric equipment (except metering equipment) on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

Terms of Payment - The above rates are net, the gross being ten percent (10%) higher. In the event the current monthly bill is not paid within fifteen (15) days from the date the bill was rendered, the gross charge shall apply.

This tariff is subject to the Energy Emergency Control Program as filed with the Kentucky Energy Regulatory Commission (now the Public Service Commission) on February 23, 1981, in Administrative case No. 240, and as approved by the Commission Order of March 31, 1981.

For commercial members whose service requirements exceed 2500 KW up to 4999 kW The tariff is for three phase applications and is a ratchet rate.

Applicable - to the entire territory served.

Available - to all consumers which are or shall be members of Owen Electric Cooperative where the monthly contract demand is 2500 - 4999 kW with a monthly energy usage equal to or greater than 425 hours per kW of billing demand.


Demand Charge

$7.49 Per kW of Billing Demand

Customer Charge $1,573.12 Per Month
KWH Charge $0.05396 Per kWh for all kWh equal to
425 hours per kW of billing demands


$0.05261 Per kWh for all kWh in excess of
425 hours per kW of billing demands

Billing Demand - The monthly billing demand shall be the greater of (a) or (b)

(a) The Contract demand

(b) The ultimate consumer's highest demand during the current month or preceding eleven months. The peak demand is the highest average rate at which energy is used during any fifteen-minute interval in the below-listed hours for each month (and adjusted for power factor as provided herein):


Hours Applicable for Demand Billing - EST

October through April 7:00 AM - 12:00 Noon; 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
May through September 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Minimum Monthly Charge - The minimum monthly charge shall not be less than the sum of (a), (b), and (c) below:

(a) The product of the billing demand multiplied by the demand charge, plus

(b) The product of the billing demand multiplied by 425 hours and the energy charge per kWh, plus

(c) The customer charge.

Power Factor Adjustment - The consumer agrees to maintain a unity power factor as nearly as practicable at each delivery point at the time of the monthly maximum demand. When the power factor is determined to be less than 90%, the monthly maximum demand at the delivery point will be adjusted by multiplying the actual monthly maximum demand by the 90% and dividing this product by the actual power factor at the time of the monthly maximum demand.

Fuel Adjustment Clause - The monthly kilowatt hour usage shall be subject to plus or minus an adjustment per kWh determined in accordance with the "Fuel Adjustment Clause."

Special Provisions:
Delivery Point - If service is furnished at secondary voltage, the delivery point shall be the metering point unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, pole lines, and other electric equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

If service is furnished at Owen Electric's primary line voltage, the delivery point shall be the point of attachment of Owen's primary line to consumer's transformer structure unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, pole lines and other electric equipment (except metering equipment) on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

Terms of Payment - The above rates are net, the gross being ten percent (10%) higher. In the event the current monthly bill is not paid within fifteen (15) days from the date the bill was rendered, the gross charge shall apply.

This tariff is subject to the Energy Emergency Control Program as filed with the Kentucky Energy Regulatory Commission (now the Public Service Commission) on February 23, 1981, in Administrative Case No. 240, and as approved by the Commission's Order of March 31, 1981.

For commercial members whose service requirements exceed 1000 KW to 2499 kW The tariff is for three phase applications and mirrors the LPC1 tariff but offers some flexibility in the contract demand.

Applicable - to the entire territory served.

Available - to all commercial which are or shall be members of Owen Electric Cooperative where the monthly contract demand is 1,000 kW - 2,499 kW with a monthly energy usage equal to or greater than 425 hours per kW of contract demand.


Demand Charge

$7.49 Per kW of Billing Demand


$10.32 Per kW of Demand in Excess of
Contract Demand

Customer Charge $1,573.12 Per Month
KWH Charge $0.05866 Per kWh for all kWh equal to
425 hours per kW of billing demands


$0.05489 Per kWh for all kWh in excess of
425 hours per kW of billing demands

Billing Demand - The billing demand (kilowatt demand) shall be the contract demand plus any excess demand. Excess demand occurs when the consumer's peak demand during the current month exceeds the contract demand. The consumer's peak demand is the highest average rate at which energy is used during any fifteen-minute interval in the below-listed hours for each month (and adjusted for power factor as provided herein):


Hours Applicable for Demand Billing - EST

October through April 7:00 AM - 12:00 Noon; 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
May through September 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Billing Energy - The billing energy shall be the contract demand multiplied by 425 hours or the actual energy used in the current month by the customer, whichever is greater.

Minimum Month Charge - The minimum monthly charge shall not be less than the sum of (a), (b), and (c) below:

(a) The product of the contract demand multiplied by the contract demand charge, plus the product of the demand in excess of the contract demand multiplied by the in excess of contract demand charge. (b) The product of the billing demand multiplied by 425 hours and the energy charge per kWh, plus (c) The customer charge.

Power Factor Adjustment - The consumer agrees to maintain a unity power factor as nearly as practicable at each delivery point at the time of the monthly maximum demand. When the power factor is determined to be less than 90%, the monthly maximum demand at the delivery point will be adjusted by multiplying the actual monthly maximum demand by the 90% and dividing this product by the actual power factor at the time of the monthly maximum demand.

Fuel Adjustment Clause - The monthly kilowatt-hour usage shall be subject to plus or minus an adjustment per kWh determined in accordance with the "Fuel Adjustment Clause".

Special Provisions
1. Delivery point - If service is furnished at secondary voltage, the delivery point shall be the metering point unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines, and other electrical equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

2. If service is furnished at the Seller's primary line voltage, the delivery point shall be the point of attachment of Seller's primary line to the consumer's transformer structure unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines, and other electrical equipment (except metering equipment) on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

Terms of Payment - The above rates are net, the gross being five percent (5%) higher. In the event the current monthly bill is not paid within fifteen (15) days from the date the bill was rendered, the prompt payment discount will be forfeited and the gross amount shall apply.

This tariff is subject to the Energy Emergency Control Program as filed with the Kentucky Energy Regulatory Commission (now the Public Service Commission) on February 23, 1981, in Administrative Case No. 240, and as approved by the Commission's Order of March 31, 1981.

For commercial members whose service requirements exceed 2500 KW to 4999 kW The tariff is for three phase applications and mirrors the LPC1 tariff but offers some flexibility in the contract demand.

Applicable - to all territory served by the Seller

Available - to all consumers which are or shall be members of the Seller where the monthly contract demand is 2,500 - 4,999 kW with a monthly energy usage equal to or greater than 425 hours per kW of contract demand.


Demand Charge

$7.49 Per kW of Billing Demand


$10.32 Per kW of Demand in Excess of
Contract Demand

Customer Charge $1,573.12 Per Month
KWH Charge $0.05396 Per kWh for all kWh equal to
425 hours per kW of billing demands


$0.05261 Per kWh for all kWh in excess of
425 hours per kW of billing demands

Billing Demand - The billing demand (kilowatt demand) shall be the contract demand plus any excess demand. Excess demand occurs when the consumer's peak demand during the current month exceeds the contract demand. The consumer's peak demand is the highest average rate at which energy is used during any fifteen-minute interval in the hours listed for each month (and adjusted for power factor as provided herein):


Hours Applicable for Demand Billing - EST

October through April 7:00 AM - 12:00 Noon; 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
May through September 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Billing Energy - The billing energy shall be the contract demand multiplied by 425 hours or the actual energy used in the current month by the customer, whichever is greater.

Minimum Monthly Charge - The minimum monthly charge shall not be less than the sum of (1), (2), and (3) below:

(1) The product of the contract demand multiplied by the contract demand charge, plus the product of the demand in excess of the contract demand multiplied by the in excess of contract demand charge.

(2) The product of the contract demand multiplied by 425 hours and the energy charge per kWh.

(3) The customer charge.

Power Factor Adjustment - The consumer agrees to maintain a unity power factor as nearly as practicable at each delivery point at the time of the monthly maximum demand. When the power factor is determined to be less than 90%, the monthly maximum demand at the delivery point will be adjusted by multiplying the actual monthly demand by the 90% and dividing this product by the actual power factor at the time of the monthly maximum demand.

Fuel Adjustment Clause - The monthly kilowatt-hour usage shall be subject to plus or minus an adjustment per kWh determined in accordance with the "Fuel Adjustment Clause".

Special Provisions
(1) Delivery point - If service is furnished at secondary voltage, the delivery point shall be the metering point unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines and other electrical equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

(2) If service is furnished at the Seller's primary line voltage, the delivery point shall be the point of attachment of Seller's primary line to the consumer's transformer structure unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines and other electrical equipment (except metering equipment) on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

Terms of Payment - The above rates are net, the gross being five percent (5%) higher. In the event the current monthly bill is not paid within fifteen (15) days from the date the bill was rendered, the prompt payment discount will be forfeited and the gross amount shall apply.

This tariff is subject to the Energy Emergency Control Program as filed with the Kentucky Energy Regulatory Commission (now the Public Service Commission) on February 23, 1981, in Administrative Case No. 240, and as approved by the Commission's Order of March 31, 1981.

For commercial members whose service requirements exceed 5000KW. The tariff is for three phase applications and mirrors the LPC1A tariff but offers some flexibility in the contract demand.

Applicable - to the entire territory served.

Available - to all commercial which are or shall be members of the Owen Electric Cooperative where the monthly contract demand is 5,000 KW or over with a monthly energy usage equal to or greater than 425 hours per kW of contract demand.


Demand Charge

$7.47 Per kW of Billing Demand


$10.29 Per kW of Demand in Excess of
Contract Demand

Customer Charge $3,136.91 Per Month
KWH Charge $0.05339 Per kWh for all kWh equal to
425 hours per kW of billing demands


$0.05249 Per kWh for all kWh in excess of
425 hours per kW of billing demands

Billing Demand - The billing demand (kilowatt demand) shall be the contract demand plus any excess demand. Excess demand occurs when the consumer's peak demand during the current month exceeds the contract demand. The consumer's peak demand is the highest average rate at which energy is used during any fifteen-minute interval in the hours listed for each month (and adjusted for power factor as provided herein):


Hours Applicable for Demand Billing - EST

October through April 7:00 AM - 12:00 Noon; 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
May through September 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Billing Energy - The billing energy shall be the contract demand multiplied by 425 hours or the actual energy used in the current month by the customer, whichever is greater.

Minimum Month Charge - The minimum monthly charge shall not be less than the sum of (1), (2), and (3) below:

(1) The product of the contract demand multiplied by the contract demand charge, plus the product of the demand in excess of the contract demand multiplied by the in excess of contract demand charge.

(2) The product of the billing demand multiplied by 425 hours and the energy charge per kWh.

(3) The customer charge.

Power Factor Adjustment - The consumer agrees to maintain a unity power factor as nearly as practicable at each delivery point at the time of the monthly maximum demand. When the power factor is determined to be less than 90%, the monthly maximum demand at the delivery point will be adjusted by multiplying the actual monthly maximum demand by the 90% and dividing this product by the actual power factor at the time of the monthly maximum demand.

Fuel Adjustment Clause - The monthly kilowatt-hour usage shall be subject to plus or minus an adjustment per kWh determined in accordance with the "Fuel Adjustment Clause".

Special Provisions
1. Delivery point - If service is furnished at secondary voltage, the delivery point shall be the metering point unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines, and other electrical equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

2. If service is furnished at the Seller's primary line voltage, the delivery point shall be the point of attachment of Seller's primary line to the consumer's transformer structure unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines, and other electrical equipment (except metering equipment) on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

Terms of Payment - The above rates are net, the gross being five percent (5%) higher. In the event the current monthly bill is not paid within fifteen (15) days from the date the bill was rendered, the prompt payment discount will be forfeited and the gross amount shall apply.

This tariff is subject to the Energy Emergency Control Program as filed with the Kentucky Energy Regulatory Commission (now the Public Service Commission) on February 23, 1981, in Administrative Case No. 240, and as approved by the Commission's Order of March 31, 1981.

For commercial members whose service requirements exceed 500 KW to 999 kW The tariff is for three phase applications and mirrors the LPC1 tariff but offers some flexibility in the contract demand.

Applicable - to the entire territory served.

Available - to all commercial which are or shall be members of Owen Electric Cooperative where the monthly contract demand is 500 kW - 999 kW with a monthly energy usage equal to or greater than 425 hours per kW of contract demand.


Demand Charge

$7.49 Per kW of Billing Demand


$10.32 Per kW of Demand in Excess of Contract Demand

Customer Charge $1,573.12 Per Month
KWH Charge $0.06028 Per kWh

Billing Demand - The billing demand (kilowatt demand) shall be the contract demand plus any excess demand. Excess demand occurs when the consumer's peak demand during the current month exceeds the contract demand. The consumer's peak demand is the highest average rate at which energy is used during any fifteen-minute interval in the hours listed for each month (and adjusted for power factor as provided herein):


Hours Applicable for Demand Billing - EST

October through April 7:00 AM - 12:00 Noon; 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
May through September 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Billing Energy - The billing energy shall be the contract demand multiplied by 425 hours or the actual energy used in the current month by the customer, whichever is greater.

Minimum Month Charge - The minimum monthly charge shall not be less than the sum of (a), (b), and (c) below:

(a) The product of the contract demand multiplied by the contract demand charge, plus the product of the demand in excess of the contract demand multiplied by the in excess of contract demand charge. (b) The product of the billing demand multiplied by 425 hours and the energy charge per kWh, plus (c) The customer charge.

Power Factor Adjustment - The consumer agrees to maintain a unity power factor as nearly as practicable at each delivery point at the time of the monthly maximum demand. When the power factor is determined to be less than 90%, the monthly maximum demand at the delivery point will be adjusted by multiplying the actual monthly maximum demand by the 90% and dividing this product by the actual power factor at the time of the monthly maximum demand.

Fuel Adjustment Clause - The monthly kilowatt-hour usage shall be subject to plus or minus an adjustment per kWh determined in accordance with the "Fuel Adjustment Clause".

Special Provisions
1. Delivery point - If service is furnished at secondary voltage, the delivery point shall be the metering point unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines, and other electrical equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

2. If service is furnished at the Seller's primary line voltage, the delivery point shall be the point of attachment of Seller's primary line to the consumer's transformer structure unless otherwise specified in the contract for service. All wiring, poles, lines, and other electrical equipment (except metering equipment) on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

Terms of Payment - The above rates are net, the gross being five percent (5%) higher. In the event the current monthly bill is not paid within fifteen (15) days from the date the bill was rendered, the prompt payment discount will be forfeited and the gross amount shall apply.

This tariff is subject to the Energy Emergency Control Program as filed with the Kentucky Energy Regulatory Commission (now the Public Service Commission) on February 23, 1981, in Administrative Case No. 240, and as approved by the Commission's Order of March 31, 1981.

Special Rates

A.    Standard Rider – this Interruptible Service Rate is a rider to Rate Schedules 2, 2A, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13.

B.     Applicable – to the entire territory served.

C.    Available – this schedule shall be made available to any member where that member will contract for an interruptible demand of not less than 250 kW and not more than 20,000 kW, subject to a maximum number of hours of interruption per year and a notice period as listed below.  Note that hours of interruption per year or annual hours of interruption refer to the 12-month period ended May 31.

D.    Monthly Rate – A monthly demand credit per kW is to be based on the following matrix:

 Annual Hours of Interruption


Notice Minutes









E.      Determination of Measured Load – Billing Demand

 The monthly billing demand shall be the highest average rate at which energy is used during any fifteen consecutive minute period during the below listed hours:



Hours Applicable for Demand Billing - E.P.T.

November through April

6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

May Through October

10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.


The interruptible billing demand shall be equal to the amount by which the monthly billing demand exceeds the minimum billing demand as specified in the contract.    



F.      Conditions of Service for Member Contract

 1.       The member will upon notification by the Cooperative, reduce his load being supplied by the Cooperative to the contract capacity level specified by the contract

 2.       The Cooperative will endeavor to provide the member with as much advance notice as possible of the interruption of service.  However, the member shall interrupt service within the notice period as contracted.

 3.       Service will be furnished under the Cooperative’s “Rules and Regulations” except as set out herein and/or provisions agreed to by written contract.

 4.       No responsibility of any kind shall attach to the Cooperative for, or on account of, any loss or damage caused by, or resulting from, any interruption or curtailment of this service.

 5.       The Customer shall arrange his wiring so that interruptible service supplied under this rider shall be separately metered and segregated from firm service.

 6.       The Member shall own, operate, and maintain all necessary equipment for receiving electric energy and all telemetering and communications equipment, within the Member’s premises, required for interruptible service.

 7.      A Member’s plant is considered as one or more buildings which are served by a single electrical distribution system, provided and operated by the Member.  When the size of the Member’s load necessitates the delivery of energy to the Member’s plant over more than one circuit, the Cooperative may elect to connect its circuits to different points on the Member’s system.

 8.    The minimum original contract period shall be one year and thereafter until terminated by giving at least six months advance written notice.  The Cooperative may require a contract be executed for a longer initial term when deemed necessary by the size of the load or other conditions.

 9.      Any transformers required in excess of those used for regular firm power shall be owned and maintained by the Member.

10.    The Fuel Adjustment Clause, as specified in the prevailing rate schedule is applicable.


 G.     Calculation of Monthly Bill  

 The monthly bill is calculated on the following basis:

 1.       Sum of the customer charge, plus

 2.       Minimum billing demand in kW multiplied by the firm capacity rate, plus

 3.       Interruptible billing demand in kW multiplied by interruptible rate, plus

 4.       Energy usage in kWh multiplied by the energy rate.


 H.     Number and Duration of Interruptions

1.    There shall be no more than two (2) interruptions during any 24 hour calendar day.  No interruption shall last more than twelve hours.

2.    Interruptions may occur between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. EPT during the months of November through April and between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. EPT during the months of May through October.

3.    The maximum number of annual hours of interruption shall be in accordance with the customer contracted level of interruptible service.


I.        Charge for Failure to Interrupt

If the member fails to interrupt load as requested by the Cooperative, the Cooperative shall bill the entire billing demand at a rate equal to five (5) times the applicable firm power demand charge for that billing month.  Uninterrupted load is equal to actual load during requested interruption minus firm load.


A time-of-use rate available for small commercial members, of less than 50 kW demand, who may be able to shift a significant portion of their daily electrical use to off-peak hours in exchange for a lower rate per kWh. Off-peak hours vary by time of year.

A. Applicable - to the entire territory served.

B. Available - Available to all consumers eligible for Schedule I -
Small Commercial, under 50 kW demand.

C. Type of Service - Single Phase and three phase, 60 cycle, at available
secondary voltage.


Customer Charge $25.34 per meter, per month
Energy Charge per kWh On-Peak Energy $0.11513
Off-Peak Energy $0.06979

E. Schedule of Hours

Monthly Hours Applicable for Demand



October - April

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon


5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

12:00 midnight to 7:00 a.m.


12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m.

10:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight

May - September

10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

10:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m.

F. Terms of Payment - the above rates are net, the gross being five percent (5%) higher. In the event the current monthly bill is not paid within fifteen days from the date the bill was rendered, the prompt payment discount will be forfeited and the gross amount shall apply.

The monthly kilowatt hour usage shall be subject to plus or minus an adjustment per kWh determined in accordance with the Fuel Adjustment Clause.

This tariff is subject to the Energy Emergency Control Program as filed with the Kentucky Energy Regulatory Commission (now the Public Service Commission) on February 23, 1981, in Administrative Case No. 240, and as approved by the Commission Order of March 31, 1981.

Time-of-use rate available to large commercial members whose kW demand exceeds 50 kW, and who may be able to shift a significant portion of their daily electrical use to off-peak hours in exchange for a lower rate per kWh. There is no demand charge component in this rate. Off-peak hours vary by time of year.

A. Applicable - to the entire territory served.

B. Available - Available to all commercial, industrial, and farm consumers whose kWh demand shall exceed 50 kW demand for lighting, heating or power, and are eligible for the Schedule II, Large Power.

C. Type of Service - Three phase, 60 cycle, at available nominal voltage.


Customer Charge $63.40 per meter, per month
Energy Charge per kWh On-Peak Energy $0.11443
Off-Peak Energy $0.06954

E. Schedule of Hours

Monthly Hours Applicable for Demand



October - April

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon


5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

12:00 midnight to 7:00 a.m.


12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m.

10:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight

May - September

10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

10:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m.

F. Special Provisions - Delivery Point - If service is to be furnished at secondary voltage, the delivery point shall be the metering point unless otherwise specified in contract for service. All wiring, pole lines and other electric equipment on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer. If the service is furnished at seller's primary line voltage, the delivery point shall be the point of attachment of sellers' primary line to consumer's transformer structure unless other electric equipment (except metering equipment) on the load side of the delivery point shall be owned and maintained by the consumer.

Primary Service - If service is furnished at primary distribution voltage, a discount of five percent (5%) shall apply to the energy charges. The seller shall have the option of metering at secondary voltage.

F. Terms of Payment - the above rates are net, the gross being five percent (5%) higher. In the event the current monthly bill is not paid within fifteen days from the date the bill was rendered, the prompt payment discount will be forfeited and the gross amount shall apply.

The monthly kilowatt hour usage shall be subject to plus or minus an adjustment per kWh determined in accordance with the Fuel Adjustment Clause.

This tariff is subject to the Energy Emergency Control Program as filed with the Kentucky Energy Regulatory Commission (now the Public Service Commission) on February 23, 1981, in Administrative Case No. 240, and as approved by the Commission Order of March 31, 1981.