Inflation isn't just a buzzword—its impact extends far beyond financial markets, touching everyday essentials like food and critical infrastructure components. As consumers are faced with rising prices at the grocery store, Owen Electric faces similar challenges in maintaining and upgrading the vital systems that power our communities.

The most immediate impact of inflation is felt at the dinner table. Rising costs in agriculture, transportation, and labor push up the prices of food staples. From grains to meats, consumers are seeing higher grocery bills, which in turn can strain household budgets and alter spending habits.

Beyond the kitchen, inflation's effects permeate essential infrastructure. Take, for instance, the components required to build our system—transformers, poles, crossarms, and wire— just to name a few. These are the building blocks of reliable electricity distribution, critical to powering homes and supporting industries that help keep our local economy churning. However, as inflation drives up the cost of raw materials like aluminum, steel, and timber, manufacturers face higher production costs. This, in turn, leads to increased prices for Owen Electric.

As your not-for-profit cooperative, Owen Electric is tasked with ensuring safe, reliable, and affordable electricity to our members, and it’s a delicate balancing act to manage rising operational costs while maintaining rates. We also must factor in the need to invest in upgrading aging infrastructure, making strategic planning and financial management more important than ever.

We realize that for our members, the effects of inflation trickle directly to them. Higher electricity costs translate into higher monthly bills, compounding the financial strain our members may already be experiencing. As we navigate these uncertain economic times, rest assured that Owen Electric works to mitigate the impacts of inflation on its members.

We’re rising to the challenge to manage the immediate price increases while ensuring sustainability and resilience in our long-term objectives. In doing so, we are better prepared to weather this evolving economic landscape and safeguard the quality of service we provide our members.