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Hey Jude

Have a question about energy efficiency? Look no further!

Send your questions to our Energy Expert, Jude Canchola, at

Rebates and Incentives

Q: It has been a really long, cold winter. Are there any incentives from the co-op to help make my home more energy efficient and comfortable?

A: Yes! We have four incentive/rebate programs for electrically-heated homes that pay cash back to you for efficiency improvements to your home. You can find these on our website at, but I'll give you a quick rundown.

Our Button Up rebate pays $40 per 1000 BTU of heating load saved from the home. This program is applicable for attic insulation and air sealing of the home.

Our Heat Pump Retrofit program pays $500-$750 for the replacement of electric resistance heating. If you choose to install a mini split heat pump, this rebate pays $250 per indoor head, with a maximum of $750.

Our Duct Sealing program helps offset the cost of sealing duct work, ensuring heated air gets to the correct spot.

And, our CARES program partners with your local Community Action office to help offset the cost of retrofits to your home.

Also, you may qualify for a host of federal tax credits available through the Inflation Reduction Act. You can visit for more information. Adding Owen Electric's rebate to any tax credit goes a long way in helping you offset the cost of your energy improvements and making your home more comfortable.

Question for our Energy Expert? Send it to

New Year Improvements

Q: Any New Year reminders for things to do around the home?

A: Welcome to the New Year! If you haven't already completed these few items, now is the time to get started. 

First and foremost, if you haven't had your heating system checked, go ahead and call your HVAC contractor. During this time of year, heating costs can easily add up to 50 percent of your energy usage; you want your heating system running as efficiently as possible. If it has been more than 60 days, go ahead and change the filter on your system. that will be one thing your contractor doesn't have to do.

After that, check the attic. Depending on the product, you should be looking at 10-15 inches of insulation. If you have rolled, batted insulation, you want to read R38 on the paper. If you need to add insulation, be sure to visit and for possible tax incentives and rebates.

Next, you will want to get your caulking gun out of the garage and go to work on any cracks at the window frames/sills and any wiring holes that are going through the floor or top plate. Most times, this is easier if you start in the attic. If your home has a crawlspace, don't forget to look under the sinks!

One last item: Take a walk through your house (and garage), and take inventory of any portable space heaters. These small electric heaters can easily add up to $100 per month to your electricity bill. Be sure to use them wisely and as intended. Be sure to keep them at least three feet from any combustible material, and turn them off when you leave the room.

Water Heater

Q: I have a 1-year-old electric tank water heater in my conditioned basement. Would insulating the tank provide savings? If so, what R-value should I use?

A: Most newer electric water heaters have foam insulation around the water tank. If these units are in conditioned spaces, added insulation is typically not needed.

Most water heaters are set at 120-125 degrees, so there is energy loss in the hot water line going to outlets in the home. Standard water pipe insulation is around an R3, and I would recommend insulating the entire run if possible.


Q: What's the "auto" setting on my thermostat?

A: Well, there are actually two auto settings on your thermostat, so let's take a look at each.

The first and most common is the fan control. Most systems have fan controls that show "on" or "auto," and some have "cir." If the fan position is on, the indoor blower fan will run in all three of these modes, but that is for a different post. For the vast majority of the time, I would suggest the fan be set to auto and only run when the system is asking for heating or cooling.

The second auto you may have on your thermostat is actually for controlling the heating and cooling. When you have the thermostat set on auto, the system may turn the heat on in the cool morning and the air conditioning on in the warm afternoon. This allows the homeowner the convenience of comfort, with only one setting on the thermostat.

For safety purposes, if your heating system is a gas-fired unit, have you HVAC contractor do a complete check up early in the season if you choose to utilize the latter auto option.


Q: Winter is right around the corner. Do you have any suggestions to help with my heating bills?

A: First, let's take a look at what actually drives your heating costs— outdoor temperatures; how efficient your home is; and how efficient your HVAC system is.

Obviously, the most unpredictable factor is the weather. Colder temperatures are going to make your HVAC system run more often. Unfortunately, we can't control Mother Nature, so we have to address your house and its HVAC system.

Current building code requires an attic insulation of R38 and wall insulation of R13. Think of insulation as the blanket that covers your home. Adding extra insulation to your attic is pretty common, and you can do the job yourself in most instances.

Changing the level of insulation in your walls is not an easy project and should be left to a professional contractor. If your home has a crawlspace, don't forget the floors. Building code requires floors to be insulated to R19; you can also insulate the walls of the crawlspace.

Along with insulation, you'll want to be sure to seal all the holes through the walls, floors, ceilings, etc. This is important because most insulating products are insulators, not sealers. If cold air is getting into the home, the insulation cannot work as designed. Use caulk or low expansion foam to seal any openings you may have.

Finally, make sure your HVAC system is working in proper order. Hiring a qualified contractor for a tune up is probably best for this project since heat pumps and gas furnaces have a lot of moving parts.

Once your system has been given a clean bill of health, be sure to change the filters on a regular basis. Forced air systems need good, clean air to operate at their designed efficiency.

We recommend setting the thermostat as low as possible, where you're still comfortable (68-69 degrees is a good starting point). It doesn't cost anything to put on a sweater.

A final note: If you heat with gas, be sure to have a carbon monoxide detector on each floor of the home. Safety always comes first!

Attic Insulation

Q: It's been really hot the last few days. How much insulation should I have in my attic?

A: Today, Kentucky residential building code requires an R38 attic, but ENERGY STAR standards for Kentucky actually recommend R38-60. Although this is a wide gap, I think the important number here is a minimum of R38.

Remember, attic insulation is like a coat for your house— the heavier the coat, the better at keeping you warm or cool. How do you get to an R38 or higher? It depends on the type of insulation you are using.

One is ventilation; you really need a way to get the hot air out of your attic. Kentucky building code requires one square foot of ventilation for every 150 square feet of roof decking. A good roofing contractor can easily access your roof and provide ideas on how to reach minimum ventilation requirements.

Second, I would suggest that you make sure all the holes in the top plate or ceiling are sealed well. Any wiring or plumbing chases that go from conditioned space to your attic should be caulked or foamed. And don't forget the attic access! This area should be air sealed and insulated as well.

If you are an Owen Electric member and your primary source of heating is electric, we offer rebates for any added attic insulation or whole house air sealing. Go to and check out the Button Up Program, or call (800) 372-7612, option 4, for details. You may also want to check to see if you qualify for any energy tax credits or rebates from the Inflation Reduction Act.

Air Conditioner

Q: With the spring temperatures on the rise, what do I need to get ready for summer?

A: As you said, spring is definitely here, and summer is just around the corner! And with the season, temperatures are beginning to rise. Now is the time to get your air conditioner serviced and ready for those 80+ degree days. As we know, up to 40 percent of air conditioning unites have an improper refrigerant charge, so that will probably be the first thing your HVAC contractor checks and verifies.

But, we also need to be sure the outdoor unit is free of debris and has plenty of free space around the unit for air flow. Also, make sure to check the amp load of the compressor; the design load is found on the data plate on the unit. This will help ensure the unit is not using more energy than expected.

As always, be sure to change the inside filter every 30-45 days, as good, clean air makes for a happier unit.

Regarding the thermostat, we recommend setting it at 78 degrees, knowing that for every one degree of change, we add or save approximately 3 percent on the electricity bill. If the home sits unoccupied for the majority of the day, use your programmable thermostat to raise the temperature while you're away, then reset approximately 30-45 minutes before you get home.

Finally, remember that your air conditioning unit is also helping dehumidify your home, so a minimum 15 minute run time is essential for this process. If you are "short cycling," be sure to make your HVAC professional aware so they can check for remedies. I am a firm believer that the humidity is as bad as the higher temperatures in Kentucky.


Q: I am considering making some energy efficiency upgrades to my home. Are there incentives out there to help with the cost?

A: Making energy efficiency improvements to your home are a really good way to save energy, money, and improve comfort while lowering your carbon footprint.

First, talk to Owen Electric, and schedule a free energy audit of your home. As an energy advisor, I'm also able to discuss the rebates that are available to you through our co-op. If you head over to, you will find a listing of all available rebates to Owen Electric members. There's everything from added attic insulation, air sealing, duct sealing, and new home construction. You can also request a free in-home energy audit.

Also, in 2022, Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Within this bill are monies available for residential energy efficiency projects in the form of tax credits and rebates. These cover a wide variety of improvement possibilities including windows, HVAC systems, cool roofs, appliances, and more. Research the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act for more specific details on the implementation time frame. Be sure to keep receipts if you're doing work in the first quarter of 2023.

One last note— Rebates from Owen Electric and those from the federal government are totally separate. The co-op will provide rebates while most o f the IRA monies are tax credits.


Q: I converted my garage to a bonus room and am wanting to add some heat for winter. Which should I use— electric baseboard heaters or space heaters?

A: First, let's understand that both of these systems are electric resistance heating sources. Basically, a coil or wire gets hot and either radiates heat or a fan blows over the coil, pushing heat into the room.

When calculating costs, the typical electric baseboard heater uses .25 kW of electric per foot. So, a 6-foot baseboard heater uses 1.5 kW, or 1,500 watts. The typical electrical space heater also uses 1.5 kW or 1,500 watts, so the cost to operate is about the same. Also note that 1 kW produces 3.412 BTU, so both of these units will also produce the same amount of heat— 1.5 x 3.412 = approximately 5100 BTU.

Another consideration is space and use. Typically, you would mount the baseboard heater to the wall, which takes 6 feet and about 3 inches of floor space next to the wall. Plus, you'll need electric service to the unit. Of course, the space heater is mobile and could also be used in different areas. Your baseboard heater would have a thermostat that could either be on the unit or mounted to the wall just like your standard HVAC thermostat. Higher-end space heaters will have the thermostat built in, while some simply offer low/medium/high settings.

One thing to remember about both of these units— they only heat. There is no air conditioning with either, and I would suspect you will be using your bonus room in the summer as well.

Considering all of this, my conclusion is that if you really want to use this space all year, long term, with the most comfort, the ductless mini split heat pump is the way to go. It will provide excellent heating and cooling, quiet operation, can be mounted through the wall, and comes in multiple styles.


Q: I'm considering wrapping my air ducts in my basement and maybe my entire furnace as well. Is wrapping a good idea? My system is 13-years-old.

A: I think the most important thing to do is to actually seal the ductwork, and then consider insulating it. We recommend using foil tape and mastic to seal all the joints, boots, and finally, where the duct actually comes through the floor— the metal flashing at the register.

I always say that wherever metal meets metal needs to be sealed. You can get the foil tape and mastic at your local hardware store. The mastic can be applied via paint brush, or you can apply it by hand— just be sure to have on good rubber gloves.

After you've sealed the joints, you can consider adding insulation to the ducts that are in unconditioned areas, such as an attic or crawlspace. If your basement is unconditioned or you are having condensation issues, like water droplets on the ductwork, then insulating the ductwork is very helpful.

DO NOT insulate any part of the furnace. This is a safety issue and should not be done.


Q: What are some things I can do to help stay cool without breaking the bank?

A: Summer is here and along with it will be the 80+ degree weather. Turning on the A/C is the first thing we think about, but here are a few ideas that may help keep your electricity bill in check.

First, we recommend you set your thermostat to 78 degrees. For every single degree you raise the thermostat setting, you can save up to 3 percent on your A/C bill!

Second, close the curtains or window shades during the day to negate direct solar heat gain.

Next, use the ceiling fans or floor fans to move some air. Moving that 78 degree air across your skin will help keep you cool, and these fans are cheaper to operate than your A/C unit. Note: Only use fans in occupied rooms; if you can't feel the breeze, you're wasting money.

Also keep in mind that cooking indoors adds heat to the house. Move outside and enjoy the grill, if possible.

And don't forget to change the filter on your HVAC system— it needs good, clean air to operate at its highest efficiency. As an Owen Electric member, you can get discounted filters shipped to your door at

Programmable Thermostat

Q: When I want to save electricity and money, is it better to turn my system completely off until I need it, or to set it lower and keep it at a constant temperature?

A: When it comes to thermostat control, a lot of your decision has to do with what type of heating source you have, but I never recommend that you turn a system completely off during heating or cooling season.

Air is pretty easy to heat, but if you drop the temperature too far in your home during the winter, then all the surrounding furnishings will lose their collective heat (remember— hot always goes to cold). Some of the furnishings in your home are not good conductors of heat, so if they get cold, they will attract a lot of heat, taking heat from the air.

If you heat with gas— natural gas, propane or fuel oil— you definitely want to lower the thermostat when the house is unoccupied. I would recommend at least a five degree drop. Studies show this is a very good way to save energy in your home and a simple programmable thermostat is all you need to accomplish these savings.

If your heating source is an electric heat pump, you may have to alter your thinking a bit. Remember, with this system, you have two heating sources— the heat pump and auxiliary heat. The basic heat pump and thermostat will automatically turn on auxiliary heat if you raise the thermostat setting three degrees or more at any given time. When this happens, you will turn on anywhere between 7,500 and 12,000 watts of energy, thus negating the savings you were looking for.

To lower the temperature with this system, you will either need to bring the temperature back up in two degree increments or have a thermostat that can lock out the auxiliary heat on the initial heating run. I suggest having a discussion with your HVAC contractor to gauge the compatibility of your system and thermostat for this scenario. Smart or learning thermostats, especially those with wi-fi connectivity, are a much better option here.

Have you got a programmable thermostat? Learn how you can receive incentives from our SimpleSaver program:


Q: My home needs a new HVAC system this spring. Where do I even begin to determine what the best unit is? What information should I have before I contact a vendor/installer?

A: There are a few questions to ask yourself on this subject: 

  • What type of system do I want? All electric, hybrid, or all gas?
  • What size system do I need?
  • What efficiency rating do I want to install?
  • What condition is my ductwork in?

All of these are important, and all need to be answered for you to be comfortable and efficient. A good HVAC contractor should be able to provide different scenarios to all of the above.

Whether you have natural gas at your location may help decide on the type of heating system you install. A load calculation will determine the size of your system. Your budget may also determine the efficiency of the system and any corrections to the ductwork.

Also, keep in mind that Owen Electric members have free access to me, your energy advisor, who can help with some of this information.

For more information, go to or call (800) 372-7612, option 4.


Q: I am trying to keep the drinking water for my animals from freezing in the barn. What will a heater for their water cost me to operate?

A: That's a great question for this time of year. For a small trough, the heater can pull as little as 400 watts. For the average unit, the load is 1500 watts. And if you want to get a heated bucket, they can pull as much as 4000 watts. The important thing to remember is that you want to be sure to get a unit that has a built-in thermostat. This way, the unit will only turn on when the water temperature is below 32 degrees. For example, a 1500 watt heater that runs 24/7 will add up to $105 per month to your electricity bill.

While we are in the barn, let's talk about the engine block heater for your tractor or diesel truck. These units pull, on average, 1000 watts (or 1 kWh per hour). This could add 24 kWhs per day to your bill (think $2.40 per day). I think the best option is to buy a simple $5 timer, and set the unit to come on a couple of hours before you need the tractor or truck.

Space Heater

Q: Can you give me the scoop on space heaters?

A: It's getting cold outside! And when the chill is in the air, we often need a little extra warmth throughout the house, which usually comes in the form of a small package we call a space heater.

Space heaters are very common all over the United States, but do we really understand them? First it is what it says it is— a space heater— meaning it is designed to heat a small space, not a whole house.

Second, most space heaters use 1500 watts of energy to produce their heat (some units can set back to 900 or 1200 watts). This is important because all 1500 watt space heaters produce the same amount of BTUs. Whether the unit costs $30 or $250, 1500 watts cannot magically be turned into different BTUs.

Terms like "radiant heat," "oil-filled heat," "infrared heat," or "Amish-made" are marketing terms only. They all use the same energy and provide the same amount of heating. And the usage on these heaters can add significantly to your electricity bill— as much as $100 per month!

As an energy guy, my advice is to be mindful of your usage of space heaters.

If you are purchasing a space heater, it helps to understand the difference in models. There are basically two types of space heaters— infrared and oil-filled/radiant. Typically, infrared heaters get warm quicker and are better for focused heating. Oil-filled or radiant heaters take longer time to produce heat, but may be better for larger, open rooms.

In either case, I recommend you get a unit that has a thermostat installed so you can control the temperature. I also recommend setting your home thermostats a few degrees lower, otherwise, you may be paying twice to heat your home.

Finally, if there is an issue of leaving a space heater on when the room is vacant, I suggest putting it on a timer for safety, or better yet— turn it off.


Q: Why does my bill go up when temperatures drop? I keep my thermostat the same.

A: We get that question often. During extreme weather, your system works harder to heat your home. As temperatures drop, this makes your heating equipment run at maximum capacity, which means it's using more electricity. Therefore, in just a few days, extreme temperature can cause your bill to spike.

The same is true for when it's hot, and you're trying to cool your home. Another way to think  of it? The greater the difference between the temperature outside and the temperature your thermostat is set at, the harder your heating and cooling system is working (and thus, the more electricity it is using to do so).

Solar Panels

Q: If I get solar panels on my house, I can have power during outages, right?

A: The short answer is "maybe." By current electrical code, all renewable energy sources that are tied to the grid, and thus tie back to Owen Electric's system through the meter, must disconnect and shut down when a power outage occurs. This is a safety practice that ensures a system cannot backfeed to our lines and cause harm to our line workers or equipment. This means you would NOT have power at your house during an outage.

Of course, there is an exception to this rule, and that would be if you have a battery pack backup system in place or a whole house standby generator. In any of these instances, your solar panels would still be shut down, but your house would be running off your battery backup or your generator. In this case, you would have power during an outage for as long as your battery lasts or for as long as your generator had fuel.

Once power was restored, your system would automatically switch back to Owen Electric for your energy needs.

different house

Q: My neighbor and I have similarly-sized houses, but his energy bill is way lower than mine. What's the difference, and why can't I compare the two?

A: Houses may be the same size (square footage), but no two families live the same way. How many people live in your home? How many refrigerators or freezers do you have? How many loads of laundry do you wash per week? How many showers are taken? What do you keep the thermostat at?

As you can see, there are lots of differences in how we live, which means there can be a lot of differences in our electric bills. As a member-owned cooperative, we are interested in how YOU live in your home, as well as how we can help you save on your energy costs and make your home more comfortable. 

To schedule your free in-home energy audit, go to

home solar

Q: Why should I call Owen Electric before shopping for solar panels for my home?

A: Solar panels are a long-term investment— a 25-30 year investment. As a member-owned, not-for-profit utility, Owen Electric is here to serve you, our member. We are simply a free resource for information, and since we have had our own solar panels for several years, we have a really good idea of how they work in our neighborhood.

Also, unfortunately, many solar companies do not fully understand the net metering tariff in Kentucky (rules everyone must follow). We can help explain the ins and outs of how that tariff works.

The best place to start is our website,, and click on the Energy Programs and Rebates tab, then click the Net Metering and Home Solar option. Here, you can find a copy of the tariff.

Finally, if you're interested in renewable energy but don't have thousands of dollars to invest, take a look at our Cooperative Solar program. For as little as $460, you can have easy, affordable renewable energy.


Q: What can I do in and around my attic to make my home more comfortable?

A: Your attic acts like a blanket over your home, so we want to be sure our "blanket" is warm and air sealed.

Today's building code calls for a minimum of R38 insulation in your attic. ENERGY STAR for our region suggests an R46. Maintaining either of these will help to ensure the heated or cooled air in your home stays in your home.

Also, remember to air seal the top plate of your home (the ceiling). As we know, insulation is only part of the process. Finding and sealing all holes that penetrate the drywall is the second part of staying comfortable and efficient.

Finally, don't forget about ventilation. This will help remove heated air and moisture from the attic space. Building code calls for 1 ft. sq. of attic ventilation for every 300 ft. sq. of roof deck. You can achieve this through natural ventilation (soffit, eave and ridge vents) or through mechanical ventilation (vent fans).

If you are using mechanical ventilation, be sure to seal the top plate, as this may put negative pressure on the house and pull heated/cooled air through the attic.

Manufactured Home

Q: I live in a manufactured home— what are some energy efficiency improvements I can make?

A: Manufactured homes, like stick-build homes, have energy codes that must be met during the building process. These codes are based on the area in which the unit was built, but not necessarily where it will sit.

Since these homes are built in a factory, then moved to their location, they can present a few challenges along the way.

The biggest issue we see is that many come with an inefficient electric furnace as the heating source. We always recommend this to be upgraded to a heat pump system, saving the member up to 40 percent on their heating costs.

The next big issue we see is the ductwork. This is a common factor in stick-built homes as well. We suggest using mastic and UL-rated tapes to seal all ductwork. We really want to move air into the home, not the crawlspace, attic or any other unconditioned space.

Air sealing is also important. Caulk or foam any penetration that goes through the floor, ceiling or walls (think plumbing, pipes and electrical wiring).

The other important seal is the marriage plate for a doublewide home. You may have to remove the trim board, but this area runs the entire length of the home, so it has the potential to be a large area of heat loss.

Finally, be sure the bottom board, or the underbelly, is in good repair. This will help protect the ductwork and flooring of the home.


Q: What is ENERGY STAR, and is it really worth paying more for an ENERGY STAR-rated appliance?

A: ENERGY STAR is a governmental rating that sets strict energy efficiency and environmental standards. For example, ENERGY STAR-certified homes use up to 30 percent less energy than a standard "code" built home.

ENERGY STAR appliances are up to 15 percent more efficient than standard models, and rated lighting provides you with up to 65 percent savings!

All of this adds up to year after year of savings for you, the co-op member. And since you are saving energy, you are also helping the environment.

While ENERGY STAR appliances do cost a few more dollars up front, they will save money over the lifetime of the product. Also, most rated appliances come with more features, making them more user-friendly.

Heat Pumps

Q: Are heat pumps a good investment? And how does this compare to geothermal? How do I determine what to invest in?

A: Absolutely! When you compare a heat pump's efficiency (approximately 150-400 percent) to an electric furnace (100 percent), or a gas furnace (95-96 percent), it's easy to see they are good investments.

The big question is which heat pump is right for your needs. There are basically three types of heat pumps:

Geothermal is a ground source heat pump and is the most efficient way to heat and cool your home. These systems operate at approximately 400 percent efficiency.

Mini split heat pumps come as ducted or ductless models. These ductless models are a tad more efficient because there are no ducts, eliminating duct loss.

The more common air source split systems are what we see in most homes today. These units range in efficiencies anywhere from 150-200 percent.

As with any heating or cooling system, sizing is extremely important, so be sure to have your contractor perform a load calculation to get the right amount of BTUs needed.

Blower Door

Q: I've heard of a blower door test. What is it, and how will it help me save money on my energy bill?

A: A blower door test is one way to help determine how effient your home is. The blower door is a fan that depressurizes the house, thus allowing a technician to measure the amount of air leakage within it.

At times, the blower door is used in conjunction with an infrared camera to get a better visual of the air leakage. With the blower door test, we can find the exact amount of air leakage within the house and pinpoint the big holes. This shows the homeowner where to start sealing the house— think windows, doors, sill plates, plumbing penetrations, etc.

For years, all states had code requirements for insulation levels, but only within the last few years have there been code requirements for air infiltration. We know that both insulation and air infiltration go hand in hand when making your home more efficient, more comfortable, and healthier.

Touchstone Energy Home

Q: If I'm planning to build, is there any reason to call Owen Electric before I start moving dirt?

A: Absolutely. When building a new home today, we need to think about the entire life of the home— approximately 50 years! And, we need to think about the comfort and operating costs of that home.

With Owen Electric's Touchstone Energy Home program, we incorporate guidelines that will save the homeowner up to 30 percent in utility costs compared to standard building codes.

We also take into consideration comfort and moisture issues, and we can help with renewable energy sources if the member is interested.

Added insulation, air sealing, high efficiency HVAC equipment, and ENERGY STAR appliances are just a few of the items we discuss. And the best part? We offer a cash rebate when these incentives are met.

Find out more about the Touchstone Energy Home program and other rebates at

Energy Audit

Q: What are the benefits of having a home energy audit performed? Are the suggested improvements going to be expensive?

A: There are many benefits of having a home energy audit. The first reason is peace of mind. Just how efficient and healthy is your home? Without testing and building science knowledge (how your house works as a system), you are really just guessing.

If you have any comfort issues, like being hot or cold in a room, an energy audit may provide details that are not seen with an untrained eye.

And what we think about most— money. What are you spending on heating and cooling costs? Is your HVAC system running at its designed load? What is the daily cost of living in your home? An energy audit can help answer all of these questions for you.

As for improvement costs, there are a lot of variables involved. But, an energy audit can usually give you an idea of those costs and may be able to guide you to funding opportunities, such as rebates, tax incentives, qualifying programs, etc.

Ready to schedule your FREE home energy audit? Call us at (800) 372-7612, option 4, or go to

Window Unit

Q: How can I be as efficient as possible with a window air conditioner? How do I know what size to get?

A: As with all home appliances, ENERGY STAR is the way to go. When an appliance has an ENERGY STAR rating, it is 30 percent more efficient than the standard model. Over the life of the appliance, this can add up to substantial savings in energy costs.

When looking at window A/C unit options, you have multiple things to consider— size, noise level, energy savings options (sleep mode), ease of use (remote control), and fan-only option, to name a few.

When it comes to sizing, most units are between 5,000 BTU and 14,000 BTU. These will efficiently cool rooms between 150 and 700 square feet. These measurements can be found on the box or by an easy internet search.

As with most appliances, the most bells and whistles (ease of use items listed above), the more expensive it will be to purchase.

Another option is to consider a portable room air conditioner. There are multiple similarities with the window units, but installation is usually easier, and you can move the unit from room to room. The one negative aspect may be the floor space it takes up.

Replacement Windows

Q: How do I know when I need to replace the windows in my home, and what do I look for when I start shopping?

There are numerous reasons to replace the windows in your home— aesthetics, sound proofing, and energy efficiency. If you're looking at aesthetics, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there are several designs to fit the most finicky buyer. Along with looking more modern, you should be able to recoup approximately 35-40 percent of the cost in resale value.

Sound proofing may be one of the most underrated advantages of newer windows. You'll be amazed at how well newer windows lower outside noise due to more efficient framing and more panes of glass.

Now, for those looking at energy efficiency, today's energy code requires windows to be double pane, low E coated, with a U value of .35 or less (U value for windows is the equivalent of R value for insulation). The lower the U value, the more efficient the window.

I always suggest getting multiple bids when replacing windows, and I also strongly recommend that you consider weatherizing your current double pane windows. A tube of caulk goes a long way in keeping drafts out of the house. Remember, air doesn't go through the glass, only the four corners where the window sits in the wall framing and along the rails where the window slides up and down.


Q: I'm looking to rent a home or apartment in a complex. What questions should I ask the landlord or manager to make sure I don't end up with high electric bills? Also, is there anything I can do to make a rented space more efficient, since I can't make any real physical upgrades or long term investments?

A: When renting an apartment, I think you need to look at the things you can control verses the things  you can't control. First, let's talk about those things you can't control— the physical structure and appliances. Knowing this, it may be a good idea to ask how the old apartment units are. Or have they been updated in recent years? The newer the unit, the newer the building codes, which should lead to more efficient insulation, windows, HVAC equipment, appliances, etc. Newly-remodeled units could also provide these energy-saving features.

Now for the things you can control. First, start with the thermostat. We recommend a setting of 68 degrees for winter and 75 degrees for summer cooling. The HVAC fan should be left on "auto." Depending on the type of heating, for every one degree you lower the thermostat in winter, you can save up to 3 percent on your heating bill. Next, think about lighting. With LEDs bulbs so inexpensive, it makes sense to replace all lighting with LED units. Also, don't forget about phantom load, or gaming devices, laptops, phone chargers, etc. They all add up. The easy way to check this? Walk through your place at night; all those red and green lights are costing you money.

Water Heater

Q: I need to replace my water heater. What should I look for when I go shopping? Are tankless water heaters a good option?

A: Domestic water heating is the second highest use of energy in your home, behind space heating and cooling. With this in mind, it's important to look for a higher energy factor (EF) when choosing your standard tanked water heater.

Most tanked water heater models today are in the .94-.96 range. These come in 50-55 gallon models with a 6-12 year warranty. If possible, you will want to place your tanked water heater inside a conditioned space; this will improve efficiency and longevity.

While tanked water heaters are still the norm in today's housing market, tankless water heaters are growing in popularity. If you are interested in a tankless model, I would suggest going with a gas-fired unit. These produce a higher gallons per minute (GPM) flow than an electric model.

Keep in mind there may be more maintenance issues with a tankless model, as it is essentially a furnace that runs water through it. As for cost savings, the tankless model will save you approximately $2 a month in "standby loss," or the amount of energy it takes to keep the water hot inside the tanked unit.

You may want to consider the total cost of installation as well, including purchase cost, electrical upgrades to your home, maintenance costs, and upgrades to your cooperative's electrical system (transformer, conductor, etc.) before you purchase a tankless water heater.

Air Conditioner Filter

Q: How often should I change my HVAC filter, and does it really make that big of a difference?

A: Forced air heating and cooling systems need adequate return air to work as designed and to offer the highest energy efficiency. How often you change the filter really depends on the filter you're using. Fiberglass models allow more air to pass through, along with contaminates, thus needing to be changed less often. Pleated filters catch more contaminates, but also suppress the amount of air flow, and thus need to be changed more often.

When looking at HVAC filters, the higher the MERV rating, the smaller particles it will filter. Things to consider should be:

  • Are there pets in the home?
  • Does anyone smoke?
  • Does anyone have allergies?
  • How airtight is the home?
  • Is the ductwork in a conditioned or unconditioned space?

Obviously a lot of things to consider! Most manufacturers recommend changing the filter every 30 days, with the exception of high-end HEPA filters, but that is talking 30 days of run time. In late March, April, early May, late September and early October, your system isn't running as much. During these times, if you're changing your filter every 60 days, you will be fine.